Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Farmer's Market Finds from Boalsburg

I didn't get to market till late, after 5:00. So pickings were slim. I didn't get eggs from my favorite vendor,Tamarack Farm. Instead I picked up  a couple of plants, a lily of the valley and a tomato plant. I did score some eggs from a vendor that is unfamiliar to me. They look lovely and I was assured that they come from free roaming, happy hens.

I picked up some great baby russian kale from John at at Jade Family Farm and he shared how his wife prepared a fresh kale salad with venison. I also picked up some lovely mache from him. I didn't get anymore rhubarb because he was sold out. He assured me that he would have more next week. Jade Family Farm is one of my favorite booths. Their passion for food and love for what they do is evident when you stop and chat with them.

But the biggest surprise for me was the table of fresh tomatoes. Oh sure they were grown in a hothouse, but they were in the ground. They smell like the essence of summer, mmmmm. I'm going to make a fresh tomato and mozzarella salad, what a treat.

One of the best things about going to farmer's market is the interaction that you have with the people that grow your food.  The food is fresher and doesn't have to travel so far to get to my table. I love cooking with my fresh finds and being in tune with the rhythm of the seasons. Happy Valley is farming country, and we are so lucky to be so close to so many people who are passionate about what they grow and sell. It's a heartwarming ritual for my family to say hello to the various vendors and find out what is new with them, a new kid and lambing love, children growing and learning to love the land, and their excitement for what's coming next week. I love coming home and planning my week around my fresh finds. I hope that you are as lucky as I am to have a great farmer's market or farm new you.

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