Sunday, June 17, 2012

On Being a Father

Fatherhood is pretending the present you love most is soap-on-a-rope.
Bill Cosby

I'm not the father in the family, but Tony is. We've been parenting together, a team in sync with one another so long now that without him I'm a bit lost.

Sure, I've done a lot of nurturing and I'm in charge of the whole homeschooling bit. But he has done so much and has added so much to Nathan's life that it's hard to put into words. He has been a selfless father. Giving up sleep so that he can take his son fishing in the wee hours. He's been a baseball coach, rushing home from work to be a leader, mentor, and playmate.

But mostly he has been here for all of the moments. With his gentle guidance helping our son become the man that he will one day grow up to be.

In Tony I see my own father who did the same. Thank you Dad for being an anchor in my life and thank you Tony for being a great father. I love you both.

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