Monday, May 21, 2012

Cooking From The Farmer's Market, Radish Greens

This past week at farmer's market I purchased some French breakfast radishes. They were of course beautiful and tasty. But when I went to clean them and put them in a bowl, I cringed thinking about throwing the green tops away. So I pulled out the skillet and started cooking. 

I did a quick saute with some garlic and olive oil. An easy and a quick healthy lunch was on the table in no time. Because my radish greens were so young, they didn't need a lot of time in the skillet. Along side some quinoa and a sliced tomato, I would call that a very healthy lunch. The only other thing I did was a drizzle of balsamic vinegar.

So remember, never throw the green radish leaves in the trash. They are the most nutrient dense part of the plant. Radish greens contain a good amount of iron, calcium, antioxidants, vitamins A, C, and K. They taste similar to kale, but are more tender.

As a side note, I started out with organic radishes so they were pesticide free. 

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