Tuesday, May 29, 2012

North By Northwest, New Soap

I have a couple of pictures of soap my new soap batch to share with you today. It is made with the trinity of oils, olive, coconut, and palm. The three oils combined made a great soap. To the trio of oils I added some skin loving rice bran oil, silk that adds a luxury feel,  and castor oil for lots of bubbly lather.

The soap is named after my favorite Cary Grant movie, North by Northwest. The scent's true name is Green Irish Tweed, a nod to the cologne made for Cary Grant by the very famous House of Creed. It is a very sophisticated, upscale scent. It is by far my most popular male scent that I make. It is up on a rack curing and the house smell divine.


  1. Yes, I think that while watching North by Northwest one shouts that at least once.
