Sunday, December 23, 2012

Wishing You......


It's been a long time since I've shared anything. I've been sad. I've felt overwhelmed. So I took some time to step back and rethink it all.

I've been thinking a lot about my blog and what I want it to be. I'm by nature a careful, cautious person. But I also speak freely, off the top of my head, what's on my mind. I've had a lot of events in my life that have altered me. In the end this is what I think, I'm going to keep the blog name. I don't live on Cherry Lane anymore, but it is where I started this blog and my business. It all started in Pennsylvania and now we are in Indiana.

So here I am in Indiana writing a new chapter in my life. I can feel good things coming. So I hope that you take some time out of your day to share in my joy, my ramblings, my life.

1 comment:

  1. I love the name! It's what started your blog (though I still think "Life in District 12" would have been equally appropriate! ^_^) I'm glad you're keeping it. :) We only get 4 days to go see family this time, but you guys are closer, so I'm hoping we can visit you soon! :)

    I love your doodle! K is of course out with friends, but I'm hoping to find an app that works for her. :)
